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More Murphy

Chris Murphy, that is. Sen. Chris Murphy — Democrats' best candidate in 2028, presidentially speaking.

By best candidate I don't mean electorally. My confidence already runs high that in four years, Trump will have been political poison for three-point-five of them. By 2028 even 87-year-old Bernie Sanders, still raging like it's 1968, could take a $19.95 slicer-and-dicer to Trump.

Rather, by best candidate I mean that Murphy would be Democrats' most effective spokesperson, thus the candidate with the greatest, broadest appeal. He's impressively informed, well-spoken and erudite — indeed so learned, he has come to understand what it is that most voters want to hear. And it's not erudition.

I have evidence for that claim. You'll hear it within the video's first 15 seconds; precisely in 15 seconds. Murphy has, of late, argued that his party must take a populist turn, an approach unappealing to me, but politically almost impossible to deny. It sells.

I have yet to see him listed among Democrats expected to make a White House run in '28. Nevertheless I've become convinced he is doing just that — gearing up, laying groundwork, appearing publicly more often. And taking lots of populist turns, as you'll soon hear.


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